I simply most of the song so it won't be that difficult over all it should be pretty easy.. took me about two hours to play it. it's not exact but it should pretty much do the work lolE||---5--4--5--4--5-----5-----|------------|---5--4--5--4--5-----5----| B||------------------5-----3--|------------|------------------5-----3-| G||---------------------------|--2---4-----|--------------------------| D||---------------------------|------------|--------------------------| A||---------------------------|------------|--------------------------| e||---------------------------|------------|--------------------------| E||-------------|--5--4--5--4--5-----5--------------------------------| B||-------------|-----------------5------3----2--3--5-----2-----------| G||--2---4------|--------------------------------------------4--------| D||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| A||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| e||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| E||------------------------|------------------------------------------| B||------------------------|--------5--------3---2---0----------------| G||--2--1--2-----2--4--6---|-6--7-------------------------------------| D||-----------2------------|------------------------------------------| A||------------------------|------------------------------------------| e||------------------------|------------------------------------------| (optional) E||-------------|--5--4--5--4--5-----5--------------------9---7-------| B||-------------|-----------------5-----3----2---3--5------------------| G||--2---4------|-----------------------------------------------------| D||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| A||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| e||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| E||---9--7--5--4—-5--|------------------------------------| B||------------------|--------------------5---------------| G||------------------|--2--4--6----6--7--------7--6--4----| D||------------------|------------------------------------| A||------------------|------------------------------------| e||------------------|------------------------------------| E||--5--7--5--4—-5-----|--5--7--5--4--5------5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4---| B||-----------------5--|-----------------5---------------------------------| G||--------------------|---------------------------------------------------| D||--------------------|---------------------------------------------------| A||--------------------|---------------------------------------------------| e||--------------------|---------------------------------------------------| E||--5--7--5--4—-5-----|--5--7--5--4--5------5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4---| B||-----------------5--|-----------------5--------------------------------| G||--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| D||--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| A||--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| e||--------------------|--------------------------------------------------| E||--5—5--7--5--4—-5-----|-5--5--7--5--4--5------5--5--7--9--10--12--9--7—-5-—4--| B||-------------------5--|-------------------5-----------------------------------| G||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| D||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| A||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| e||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| E||--5—5--7--5--4—-5-----|-5--5--7--5--4--5------5--5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4--| B||-------------------5--|-------------------5-----------------------------------| G||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| D||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| A||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| e||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| (optional) E||-------------|--5--4--5--4--5-----5--------------------------------| B||-------------|-----------------5------3----2--3--5-----2-----------| G||--2---4------|--------------------------------------------4--------| D||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| A||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| e||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| E||------------------------|------------------------------------------| B||------------------------|--------5--------3---2---0----------------| G||--2--1--2-----2--4--6---|-6--7-------------------------------------| D||-----------2------------|------------------------------------------| A||------------------------|------------------------------------------| e||------------------------|------------------------------------------| E||-------------|--5--4--5--4--5-----5--------------------9---7-------| B||-------------|-----------------5------3----2--3--5-----------------| G||--2---4------|-----------------------------------------------------| D||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| A||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| e||-------------|-----------------------------------------------------| E||---9--7--5--4—-5--|------------------------------------| B||------------------|--------------------5---------------| G||------------------|--2--4--6----6--7--------7--6--4----| D||------------------|------------------------------------| A||------------------|------------------------------------| e||------------------|------------------------------------| E||--5—5--7--5--4—-5-----|-5--5--7--5--4--5------5--5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4--| B||-------------------5--|-------------------5-----------------------------------| G||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| D||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| A||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| e||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| E||--5—5--7--5--4—-5-----|-5--5--7--5--4--5------5--5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4--| B||-------------------5--|-------------------5-----------------------------------| G||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| D||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| A||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| e||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| E||--5—5--7--5--4—-5-----|-5--5--7--5--4--5------5--5--7--9--10--12--9--7--5—-4--| B||-------------------5--|-------------------5-----------------------------------| G||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| D||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| A||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| e||----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
::as time flies by::
Saturday, April 7, 2012
River Flows In You
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Skinny Shy Boy
Currently, addicted to hear this music, River Flows In You by Yiruma. Headphones needed for full satisfaction. Those who mute your mixer, please increase your application volume control so that you can hear such nice music. (^^)V . I only recently got to listen to Yiruma's pieces after doing Skype Video conference calls with Aimin. He played River Flows In You very well in piano version and I got it all recorded. Couple of days after that, I received an email along similar lines linked to Yiruma's, River Flows In You. I knew you're really into musical instruments since the first but Wow~, you're really being obsessed with Yiruma's, right. If that so, Kiss The Rain is my fav. ouhh!!, When The Love Falls too! Hmm.. it makes me oddly fascinated slowly. ''Thanks a lot'' lah! and now I'm addicted! ==''
River Flows In You is the best in piano version, but I'll be mastered in guitar. Heh~ Wait and see, we'll see who the best. Please don't forget that I have two months leisure time and need to be fulfilled wisely into free creative activities. So, don't you think it's the right time for me to start confident in piano? Hmm.. alright..alright.., you can play octaves on it with one finger. (the words that you gonna say. please don't laugh)
Hoccay, let's clear up some things here. Since you're always being so mean to me, plus the boredom that strikes me hard, I just create something for you. drum roll please. let's checkitdaut!
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wow, its match you perfectly. yey me! :D |
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Wanted Name: T. Aemin (Tengku Muhaimin). Age: 20. teeettt. couldn't be revealed more. |
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you won after stole all my tokens at the arcade back then. you seems very happy right there, but not now. aha~ |
I just stumbled upon this picture on your pen drive. Frankly, I never know this picture exist bro! Hee. Sorry for cropped the picture on purpose, just because I'm not confident enough to publish the 'comot-comot' side (free hair) of me at that time to the world wide. I'm only 16! (if I'm not mistaken). hey, you already know I do have stalkersSss, kan. ahaks~ I think, this is the first picca we snapped together, but I never owned it before. A picture during Fairy Tale Prom Night held by our tuition center worth a thousand words, really high in sentimental value. Then, we gotta go our own way, only contact via social networks. After been a while, then you came. Thanks for these days, even we've made a plain hangout, I get the opportunity face the joys of holidaying; window shopping, Starbucksing, lepaking, mamaking etc..
The music, River Flows In You, I realize that it's really your favorite. Yet, you're in a hard time right now, but I can't understand how you can smile all along. I think, this is the coolest side of you. The thing is, I'm with you. Like you, who always by my side when I'm down and make me always remember times you've smiled at my flaws and for all the times we've laughed together. Thank you so much for listening to me and for being there for me, that's why I'll never let you alone. Did you remember? Before we leave boarding school, you used to ask to watch a gig. Then I said, also on the gig front, as you get older you can gradually go a little further out by your own car or whatever to see concerts. You listened to me well. Ihii~ I liked that part of you. I usually never post about things like this but I have to say, I thought this was silly. Right now, just... I know why you hurt and I know what you're going through. (weird) . This entry exclusively for you, the one that might be happy at the outside but dying inside, the one that could always brighten up others day even he couldn't brighten his own. You are special. Hoccay then, finished. Just give me the feedback on Skype right after you do read it. Beat it to me.
Like no one can ever take their place. The memories you had with them would always be in your hearts no matter what the circumstances are. No matter how many people you’ll meet in the course of your life, you can’t just replace them and forget about them just like that. There are certain people that will always remain special to you and you’ll never forget.
-source: anonymous-
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tali Leher Atok
okay, kalau tak rasa surprise tak pe lah
HAHA ==''
Hey kamu...
ye, kamu la..
yang tengah baca blog ni
ada entry untuk kamu
iyeee.. untuk kamu la
tak percaya pulak
Ingat lagi tak benda yang lilit2 kat leher budak atas ni?
cepat, cepat. Ingat balik..
Hey uollss
Saya ada seorang Atok
Dia ada tali leher
Tali leher dia warna PINK!
Saya pakai tali leher dia
Sebab dia rimas pakai tali leher dia
(dipakai untuk pameran sahaja)
Saya ada seorang Atok
Sebab dia rimas pakai tali leher dia
(dipakai untuk pameran sahaja)
Saya ada seorang Atok
Atok saya handsome orangnye...
Kulit dia cerah, hidung dia mancung, mata dia sepet
( HA HA HA )
Well.. Atok saya segak, kacak, tampan bergaya
sebab tu saya CANTIK . ngee~
Bila dia pakai cermin mata
dia nampak macam Atok!
tak lah...
Nampak macam Doktor, you...
Tergoda taww~
Saya ada seorang Atok
Dia gelak kuat giler
Satu dewan boleh dengar dia punya ketawa
Meremang bulu tengkok saya
Yang ni memang gila-gila punya serius
Sorry Atok, jarang 'jenguk' Atok kat kampung
Tak pe
Atok kan dah ada Opah
Opah kan ada
Dia boleh buatkan sandwish belacan 'kegemaran' Atok
Rasanya Atok tak perlukan kite pun
Bila dia pakai cermin mata
dia nampak macam Atok!
tak lah...
Nampak macam Doktor, you...
Tergoda taww~
Saya ada seorang Atok
Dia gelak kuat giler
Satu dewan boleh dengar dia punya ketawa
Meremang bulu tengkok saya
Yang ni memang gila-gila punya serius
Sorry Atok, jarang 'jenguk' Atok kat kampung
Tak pe
Atok kan dah ada Opah
Opah kan ada
Dia boleh buatkan sandwish belacan 'kegemaran' Atok
Rasanya Atok tak perlukan kite pun
Atok.. Terima kasih bagi pinjam selimut DOMO hari tu
Okay, tu je nak cerita pasal Atok saya
frequency mengarut semakin membuak
Okay, tu je nak cerita pasal Atok saya
frequency mengarut semakin membuak
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Its been a long time coming...
My blog seems to be bit dusty. After a while but not more than a year yet being abandoned. Well now that I'm back, hello everyone. Sorry for not updating this lame-o blog. Will try to update my blog regularly, but not this time. Just wanna share something cool.

Tadaa... Have a great day ahead. :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Imma birthday girl
and another cake
frankly speaking, I don't have any clue what to do on this 1 Oct. consider about the final examination and without parental celebration, I don't think that I need to do much effort for my 19th birthday. thinking of fun birthday ideas for a special me who is no longer a child but not yet an adult may seem daunting. it is just enough for me to receive a thread of SMSes from the beloved persons wishing me all the best in my 19 life. this year, i didn't receive any prank, totally opposite from last year that the prank was played by my roommates on me. they were all DBSes and ought to be happy now cause their days accompanied with families. oh my, I'm homesick! basically, it looks matured after all. re-think about it makes me delighted and showered with praises, how older I am now. in the other side, I keep hoping Kim Heechul wish happy birthday on mine :D
I woke up at 0630 and received some smses (pertama kali sms inbox saya dipaparkan buat khalayak. readers, you should be lucky!):
Ibunda Norlela Sekak- Detik 12 malami ...maka lahirlah anak kusayang....
dia x nak lahir kat Bentong...
dia nak lahir kat KL...memilih....Selamat Hari Jadi Aina...
jaga kesihatan, berusaha dan berdoa semoga Allah menganugerahi kejayaan....
Umi doakan semoga cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat....
Ummmi saaayanggg Aina....jadilah anak yang soleheh.
Athirah Yusof - Happy birthday sayang saya!
Amirah Zazali - Ari yang indah.. kegembiraan.. kesenangan.. Adalah wat kmu..
Duhai shabat d atas ari kelahiran kmu..
Pejamkan mata..
niat d dlm ati ape yg kmu inginkn
dlm ati n mohon pd Allah..
sy slalu mndoakan yg t'baik wat kmu..
slamat ari lahir syg..ainatul mardhiah bt roslan
dr mira n raja serta keluarga..
Raja NurFaiz - slamat ari jd ainatul mardhiah..
xmo2 sdeh2.. appy taw..
kn bufday aina.. lupakan kisah lalu..
aina lyak dpt lg better..
semoga impian aina t'capai
Maria - Happy Birthday sayang. ILYSM !
Jane - Dh tido ke? sorry tahun ni xdpt teman u. HB! jgn nakal2.
Dari wakil-wakil MCKK:
Mohd Nur - Happy birthday. belanja aku doe. kau kan kaya.
Azim Suhaili - Happy Birthday :)
Nizal Mohammad - Selamat menyambut hari ulang tahun kelahiran esok!!!
Inilah ungkapan yang setahun sekali kan dilayangkan.
Biarpun nyata ungkapan itu lumrah dan "cliche" lagaknya,
namun sejujurnya ia punyai erti yang begitu luhur disampaikan kepada
teman yang amat dihargai.
Didoakan agar senantiasa berteduh di bawah lembayung rahmat Ilahi.
Happy Birthday (a day in advance) my dearest friend!
My sincere wish : May you be showered with good tidings
and may whatever good things you wish for will soon come true.
Saiful - ko pernah kte yg ak antara org2 pnting dlm idup ko.
automatically ko org2 pnting ak.
so, ak nk wish Selamat Hari Tua. kui2.
The rest were all in facebook. Time will tell what I have become after all the explorations that I have made in the world full of unknowns. Time will tell what I have become after all the mistakes that I have made in exchange of a truly great adventure. Therefore, we all shall wait.
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